ChangEd Inc. Apps

The ChangEd App - Student Loan Payoff Manager 2.01
ChangEd Inc.
"If you have Student Loans, you need this app" - Mark Cuban,ChangEdInvestor “…I already feel like it is helping me make a dentin mystudent loan debt. It is super simple to use, and I enjoycheckingto see how much I’m saving. I also love the updates theygive you onhow much you are saving when they send your round-upreceipts.Overall, I think it’s a great resource!” - Sam, a ChangEdmember“I’ve been able to send an extra $1,000 over the last yearto mystudent loans without effort! What a great idea. Using yoursparechange to pay your student loans.” -A review from LeslieCollectchange, pay down Student Loans, get out of debt sooner, andsavemoney! Download the app that has helped send over $11 Millioninextra student loan payments for our members. AKA the SquirrelSquad.You have student loans...we all do (including all of thefounders ofChangEd), and it's the biggest burden in our lives.Committing to10,15, 25 years of repayment is no joke. ChangEdshortens yourrepayment and gets you out of debt sooner. How doesThe ChangEd Appwork?… •Spare change roundups Simply link your mainspending cardsand we do the rest and save for you automatically.ChangEd alignswith your natural spending, makes small roundups tothe next dollar,and applies the accumulated change toward yourstudent loans. •LinkMultiple Student Loans ChangEd covers allstudent loan servicers.From Navient, Great Lakes, AES, FLS, SoFi,MOHELA, Nelnet, Earnest,and many more. Link your student loan inyour main hub and trackyour savings in your ChangEd dashboard!•BOOSTing your savings Youalso have the option to BOOST yoursavings directly in the app andknock out those student loans whenyou have an extra $20 here andthere. •Scheduled your BOOSTsSchedule transfers to save on your ownterms. $15 every Friday? $1every day? It's up to you and on yourschedule. •Automate savingsand payments ChangEd runs in thebackground to save for you andautomatically send payments.Set-it-and-forget-it. ChangEd makestransfers to your personalFDIC-insured ChangEd account based onroundups from your everydaypurchases. Once your ChangEd balancereaches your set threshold, weautomatically send a payment to yourstudent loan servicer to beapplied as an extra payment! Sit backand take years off of yourrepayment! •Rewards for Saving andsharing ChangEd PERKS is the onlyprogram that rewards you forgetting ahead of your student loans.Earn points for completingmilestones in the app. •Student LoanResources Resources to helpyou learn more about your student loandebt and how to pay it offsooner. **Average users save$50-$60/month in spare changeroundups** **Link multiplecredit/debit cards to analyze forroundups** **ChangEd charges asimple $3/mo from your ChangEdbalance** **Roundups and savings areautomatic! So are thetime-and-money saving payments toward yourstudent loans!****Contact [email protected] if you have anyquestions! We’rehere to help.** ChangEd reduces the need to budgetfor additionalpayments toward student loans because it aligns withyour naturalspending and automates the whole process. Just useyourcredit/debit cards as you normally would and watch youraccumulatedchange become a powerful tool to help pay down thoseloans and befree from the burden of student loan debt. Join thestudent loanrevolution and save thousands of dollars and gain yearsof yourlife back. R.I.P. Student Loans!